
NXP752 Multi-Mode Amplifier plus Dante Option Card

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The NXP75 2-Channel Multi-Mode Network Power Amplifier from Ashly is capable of driving 2, 4, and 8 Ohms loads at full power and offers a maximum rated output power of 75W per channel at 25V, 70V, and 100V modes. It comes pre-installed with Dante network audio module, enabling access to digital audio networks at low latencies (83.3 microsecond) over Gigabit Ethernet. The amplifier features a lightweight 1U design with universal AC input SMPS for improved energy efficiency. It comes with additional energy saving features such as Real-Time Clock (RTC), Event Scheduler, and GPIO control.

Additional information

Weight 19.5 lbs
Dimensions 25.2 × 2.5 in


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